Roberto Zanet
26 | years |
207 | dives |
159 h | under water |
3 | countries |
5 | sighted animals |
72 m | Deepest |
84 min | Longest |
5 ℃ | Coldest |
33 ℃ | Warmest |
263 m | Highest |
26 | years |
207 | dives |
159 h | under water |
3 | countries |
5 | sighted animals |
72 m | Deepest |
84 min | Longest |
5 ℃ | Coldest |
33 ℃ | Warmest |
263 m | Highest |
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Caroline Gamache logged 1 new dives
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Michael Graham logged a new dive
Michael Graham logged a new dive
Martin Vinter and Bojana Oblak are friends
Bojana Oblak and Martin Vinter are friends
Martin Vinter and Mateja VINTER are friends
Mateja VINTER and Martin Vinter are friends